Snake | April 18, 2022 12:16 PM | Alisa
Great rescue awesome video! God bless you Mirza rescue 2 Kobras! Excellent job absolutely always is safe & Peace out. I do not find any other suitable person who handled and put in a sack with such a gentle approach, you are snake catcher king of all.
I really feel sorry for this lady. She broke her arm on the run but perhaps saved her life. When I go to my garden, I can only meet a mole, a mouse, or a tiny snail. These are not very dangerous creatures. And in your garden, there are meetings that may be the last event in your life.
This huge male cobra really did command respect. As always, I am so impressed with your actions, my friend. Two cobras at once, this is really something. I hope these nice villagers will regain their composure, at least for the time being. Thanks a lot, Mirza. Stay well, Brother.
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