Turtle | August 13, 2024 2:46 PM | Alisa
The world’s largest sea turtle emerges from the water onto the sand at this precise moment, It’s a magnificent leatherback turtle that appears to have emerged from the water to relax on the sand.
Leatherback turtles are the world’s largest turtle species. Unlike most turtles, they lack a hard shell and instead have thick, leathery skin covering their backs, hence the name.
Leatherback turtles like to travel alone and only interact with other turtles while they are breeding, They deposit their eggs on a beach, much like other turtles, and let the baby turtles find their way to the sea on their own, In the video below, you can see a leatherback relaxing on the beach.
I have seen many of these incredible turtles while fishing off the Northern California coast. Difficult to see in this video but they have orange patterns on their neck. They can dive down to 1800 feet. These gentle giants’ primary food is jellyfish.
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