Snake | October 27, 2022 1:43 AM | Alisa
If one of these catches a person, there’s no time to escape, hug and squeeze; even if you are with other people, only if you act very quickly to free the person. Mother and mother what a pity for the cow that lost her calf he wanted the change and so did I.
I a curiosity to watch this video. Animals attacked by snakes don’t suffer from their venom?? I know that not all are poisonous, but in general, there are no sequels. Put the congressional traitors to feed the anacondas.
Honestly, I am in favour of eliminating the snake due to the fact that this animal is dangerous, and it can come back because there is food in the place and can catch children or any other, and this animal is not at risk of extinction, there is even too much.
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